Note: the instructions in this FAQ apply to the Digit user interface only.

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Our Dropbox integration allows you to upload document files in bulk from your computer to your Squirrel Street account directly, as well as backup pdf versions of your Squirrel Street documents in one convenient folder.

You can access your Integrations page from Settings.  Login then access the Settings menus, which can be reached by clicking on your user name to the top right of the page.

Select Settings from the drop down menu that appears.

Goto the Integrations Settings menu tab.

On the page that appears, you’ll see the Upload documents via Dropbox - Link and Backup to Dropbox - Link sections on the lower half of the page

To upload documents using Dropbox:

Click on the Link to Dropbox button.

At this stage you’ll be redirected to the Dropbox website to log in and authorise the link to Squirrel Street. You'll need your Dropbox credentials for this.  You’ll be directed back to Squirrel Street once that is done.

Here's what it will look like in Dropbox when completed.

To start uploading your documents, login to your Dropbox account in your web browser and look in Apps > Squirrel Street* for the folder named with your Squirrel Street account name. 

In it, you will see 3 sub-folders:


To add documents to your Squirrel Street account, simply drop them into the upload folder. Documents that are added to the upload folder will be automatically uploaded into your Squirrel Street account into the Awaiting Processing section of the account.

When your documents have been processed by Squirrel Street, they will be moved into the uploaded folder. Any invalid document types which Squirrel Street doesn’t accept will be moved into the upload-failed folder. (We accept .pdf, .jpg, .png and .gif) Please note that uploaded documents count towards your monthly document usage.

*Note: Dropbox doesn’t allow Apps sub-folders to be shared, so if you have multiple account users needing to upload using Dropbox, each user will have log in to the integrations page and set up their own upload link with Dropbox.

We also advise you to use only the web interface and not via a shortcut on your computer/desktop.

To backup documents using Dropbox:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Squirrel Street can only backup documents to one Dropbox account, so we recommend that only the account owner should set this up if multiple people have access to a Squirrel Street account.

Select the Squirrel Street account you want to backup documents to and and click on the Link to Dropbox button in the Backup to Dropbox section. At this stage you’ll be redirected to the Dropbox website to log in and authorise Squirrel Street. You’ll be directed back to the Squirrel Street once that is done.

The final step of the authorisation process is to select if you want all documents already in your Squirrel Street account to be backed up to your Dropbox folder:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the only stage where you’ll be able to select the historical file sync. Once you hit Save and go past this step, that option won’t be available anymore. [We recommend syncing all your historical files, since you will be able to manage your files easily from your Dropbox folders. Better to be safe than sorry! :)]

Folders for your account will be created in Dropbox > Apps >Squirrel Street > [account name], with a backup subfolder in the account folder:


If you’ve linked your Squirrel Street account to both upload and backup to Dropbox, uploaded and processed documents will be moved from the upload folder to the backup folder.