Here's a list of the categories available by default in each Squirrel Street account. They are erased and replaced with your Chart of Accounts when you integrate with accounting software.
- Advertising
- Bank Fees
- Cleaning
- Computer Equipment
- Consulting & Accounting
- Entertainment
- Freight & Courier
- General Expenses
- Insurance
- Interest Expense
- Legal Expenses
- Light, Power, Heating,
- Motor Vehicle Expenses
- Office Equipment
- Office Expenses
- Printing & Stationery
- Rent
- Repairs & Maintenance
- Subscriptions
- Superannuation
- Telephone & Internet
- Travel - International
- Travel - National
- Wages & Salaries
You can also add to this list. Please refer to "10. Assign generic/custom categories" in this FAQ for instructions on how to add your own categories.