Note: the instructions in this FAQ apply only to the Digit User Interface.

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In our new interface, we've made creating rules easier.  Now you can program Squirrel Street to automatically assign accounting category codes to specific vendors at the touch of a button, if you wish.

The first way to create a rule can be found in the View and export page.

1) Simply click on Edit GL Codes

The GL codes panel will appear.

2) View the receipts that have already been given a GL code.  If you see a vendor with a code that you'd like to assign to all future receipts from this vendor, click on the "+" button to the right of that code, and the process of coding will be automated for all new receipts with that vendor name from then on!

2) Creating rules can also be done in the Automate section of your account (note: this is the only available method if your categories are generic and haven't been imported via an accounting software integration).

You can create rules that apply to the GL code (Manage Categories) or you can create rules that apply to the Vendor (Manage Vendors)

Simply click on the entity to which you wish to apply the rule and select the options available from the drop down menu.  In the example below, you can assign any vendors in the account to the "Cleaning" GL code by using the drop down menu and pressing Save.

The Automate page also allows you to add and remove categories. (Please note that if the code is already in your Chart of Accounts in your accounting software, it will be imported automatically - no need to create the code manually in Squirrel Street).

You can also view this interactive tutorial on creating rules using the Automate page!


 1  Creating rules is a matter of a few clicks.  The first step is to open Squirrel Street via and click Automate

Step 1 image

 2  You have the choice of attaching the rule to the Vendor or to the Category.  The option to attach the rule to the category will appear by default. 

Step 2 image

 3  Click on any category to attach a rule to it.

Step 3 image

 4  A dropdown menu will appear, containing all your vendors.  Scroll down to find the right one or alternatively, click inside the box and begin typing the vendor name to find it.

Step 4 image

 5  Click Save.  You'll then get a banner saying "Category Saved" to confirm your choice.

Step 5 image

 6  You can also attach rules to vendors.  Click on Manage Vendors to do this.

Step 6 image

 7  Scroll down the list of vendors and click on the ones you wish to add the same rule to. 

Step 7 image

 8  Click Add vendor rules

Step 8 image

 9  Again, you can scroll down the dropdown menu or you can start typing the name of the category you wish to assign by rule.

Step 9 image

 10  Click Add Rule

Step 10 image

 11  You'll get a banner to say that the rule has been successfully added.  After adding the rule(s), click cancel to exit this pop up menu.

Step 11 image

 12  If you change your mind about a rule, it's also very easy to remove it.  Simply click on the "X" next to the rule to cancel it.

Step 12 image

 13  That's it. You're done.

Step 13 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners