If you want to check whether a new Magic Envelope you ordered is on the way to you or whether we've scanned an envelope we've received from you, you can do this by going to the Manage Envelopes.

Here are some explanations of the Envelope History table.

Uploaded - The date all the documents in the envelope finished data entry.  If it says "Not uploaded yet" then it hasn't been data entered.

Envelope Received - The date the envelope was received from you by Squirrel Street.  If it says "Invalid date" then we have not received it yet.

Envelope Sent - The date Squirrel Street sent that Magic Envelope.  You should have either received it or it should be on its way to you.

Envelope Sent: Not Sent yet - This envelope is not a Magic Envelope (so we never sent it) but we have received it from you and assigned an envelope code to it.

Envelope Status: SENT - We have sent the Magic Envelope to you.

Envelope Status: RECEIVED - We have received the Magic Envelope back from you.

Envelope Status: SCANNED - The envelope has finished scanning.

Envelope Status: UPLOADED - The envelope has finished processing and the contents are in the account.

Envelope Status: RETURNED - The envelope has finished processing and has been sent back to the customer.