The instructions in this FAQ apply to both the old and Digit user interfaces.

Not sure which interface you're using? Click here to work it out!

iOS Plan

  • 50 docs/month (digital submissions only)
  • If you exceed your monthly limit, the remaining receipts are put on hold, and you have to release them when the next month comes
  • Billing and subscription administered by Apple
  • No ability to upgrade
  • Customer support by Squirrel Street (but Apple does the cancellations)

Squirrel Street's own plans

  • Usage recommended to the limits specified by each plan; both digital and mail-in submissions permitted (e.g. there are reply-paid envelopes included for you to submit hard copies, and we also do scanning)
  • If you exceed your monthly limit, all receipts will still be processed. Excess documents will cost 85c/document to process
  • Billing and subscription administered by Squirrel Street
  • Ability to upgrade/downgrade from month to month depending on usage (old plans such as Lite and Classic etc excepted)
  • Customer support by Squirrel Street