Love the convenience of our iPhone app?  Using our free plan and finding that you need to submit more than 5 documents in a month?

Perhaps consider upgrading to our paid iPhone plan!  With our Lite plan, at only $16.99/month (inc GST), you'll get 50 documents/month!  This is truly one of our best deals.  Here's how to upgrade.

1) Open the Squirrel Street app on your iPhone and tap your username to the top right of the screen to get the Settings menu.

2) Go to "Change your plan".

3) Tap on "Start 30 day free trial" to start!

4) Submit your documents!

A few notes to be aware of:

This plan is administered and billed by Apple so any variations to your subscription will need to be handled by Apple's own subscription management.  However, for any technical support, feel free to contact us directly!

When you tap on "Start 30 day free trial" we mean just that - you'll have 30 days free, on us!  After 30 days, you'll automatically be billed $16.99 for the following month (the account is prepaid) and the subscription will continue for each following month unless varied.

Note that the Apple Lite plan does not include mail-in submissions - you can only submit via iPhone app, email, web uploader or Dropbox.