The instructions in this FAQ apply to both the old and Digit user interfaces.

Not sure which interface you're using? Click here to work it out!

Great news! Your monthly limit renews every month! 

Your usage and billing cycles are based on the date that you sign up if you are a direct customer, or on the 1st of each month if you are a Squirrel Street ProPartner, so your usage resets each time you are billed. 

Check out when your account's usage resets by going to the Settings menu (found by viewing your Receipts page and clicking your account name at the top right of the screen) and selecting My usage or Account Usage from the left side of the page.  Your usage is calculated at midnight the day before the cycle begins.  In the example below, the account's usage resets on the 11th of every month.

Also, don't worry if you send in too many documents. If you send us more than your monthly limit, we will still process those documents! However, you will be charged a small overage fee on a per document basis.

The overage fee is $0.85 per document on all new plans and $9.00 per excess Magic Envelope.