Note: the instructions in this FAQ apply only to the old User Interface.
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Squirrel Street's direct integration with MYOB works by assigning Squirrel Street receipts into the appropriate MYOB account code, then exporting directly into your MYOB account.
This guide shows the Squirrel Street direct integration for MYOB AccountRight Standard or Plus, version 2013 and above. Check the bottom right hand corner of your AccountRight window, you should see the following online icon:
MYOB integration consists of the following steps:
- The first time you start the integration, have some receipts in the account available for exporting.
- Login to Squirrel Street and goto to the Receipts page. To the top of your receipts list, click on Export all > Accounting Exports. Then click on the link to start linking Squirrel with your accounting software.
Or alternatively, login to your account and then click on this link
Here's what the Integrations page looks like with no integrations:
3. If no connection exists, select the correct Squirrel Street account and accounting software from the two drop down menus, then click on 'Add integration' to authenticate in MYOB.
4. Follow the setup prompts carefully, and choose the correct posting method - details below (this can be modified later).
Choose either to send transaction across as General Journal or Bill/Supplier Invoice or Spend Money, and whether you would like to export automatically or manually. Click "Save"
5. Go back to Receipts, and categorise the receipts you've prepared earlier by selecting them and using the "Assign Category" dropdown menu at the top of the list. You should now find your MYOB Chart of Accounts list! If you have many receipts to categorise, you may want to categorise them in bulk. Instructions can be found here.
6. Choosing auto export of your receipts will mean an export will occur every 2hrs. Manual export will only occur when you click on the 'Export now' button.
7. From the integrations page (in this link) you may click on 'Export now' to test the connection.
8. Login to MYOB and locate the transactions.
- Only receipts with a 'MYOB -' category added will be picked up by the export and added to your MYOB account.
- In the receipts page, you'll see the 'Exported' category added to receipts that have been successfully exported.
- If you have receipts that have a MYOB category added to them, but you don't want them to be picked up by the export process, add the 'Do not export' category to those receipts, and the export process will skip those.
- If you aren't sure about which export schedule to pick, we recommend leaving it on the Manual setting. Don't worry, you can change these settings at any point in future.
- You can edit or remove your integration from the Integrations page.
Step by step with different MYOB AR Live posting options
Exporting to MYOB AR Live as Bill/Supplier Invoice.
- First make sure that your default export type is Bill/Supplier Invoice from the export settings menu.
Once your documents are uploaded in your Squirrel Street account, go to your receipts tab and categorise your receipts accordingly.
Note: Whilst categorising you will be prompted to set rules up for future vendor to be allocated the same category. - Once your receipts are categorised with the MYOB AR Live chart of account categories, the system will automatically export those documents only. So make sure in Squirrel Street that you assign a MYOB AR Live code to all documents that you want to export.
- You can export them straight away from the portal by clicking on the Export now button.
Keep in mind that any financial year locked within your MYOB AR LIve account will cause export of certain receipts to fail if they don't belong to the locked range.
In your Squirrel Street account, your exported items will have an "Exported" category or "Export failed" category next to each item once the export process is complete.
If a document has an "export failed" tag, you can also open it to view the error messages in the Notes field.
Once you've amended the errors, go to the integrations page and click on Export now button once again.
Transactions will be exported into MYOB AR Live as Bill/Supplier Invoice.
To view them in your MYOB AR Live file, go to Command Centre then Purchase Register:
Note to view recent export you can view either (All Purchases) and filter by PO Number as MYOB AR Live assigns the PO Number in sequential order.
Or you can make sure all bills are closed before exporting the new batch of documents from Squirrel Street. Then you can view only the new batch of documents in the Open Bills.
Exporting to MYOB AR Live as General Journal.
- First make sure that your default export type is General Journal from the export settings page.
- After you've categorised your documents just click on the Export now link from the integrations page.
- To view them in your MYOB AR Live go to Transaction Journal then General.
Exporting to MYOB AR Live as Spend Money.
- First make sure that your default export type is Spend Money from the portal.
- After you've categorised your documents just click on the Export now link from the integrations page.
- To view them in your MYOB AR Live go to Transaction Journal then Disbursement.