To invite your staff and clients, follow these steps:

1. Enter the Pro-partner portal

2. Click the “Manage Users” button at the top of the page

3. Click the “Add new” button at the top of the page

4. Fill in the details and assign their permissions (Client, Staff or Administration) and which accounts they can access.  Click here for more information on user access levels

5. Remember to hit the “Add New User” button at the bottom of the page!

Important notes:

  • You’ll need to invite your staff into the new ProPartner Portal for them to be assigned a role and accounts – even if they already have a log in with SquirrelStreet and access to client accounts via the old portal.
  • Administration Staff can only belong to one ProPartner Portal – if you need to add someone who is already an administrator of another portal, let them know that another email address must be used to work around this.
  • If for some reason the new user doesn't receive their email inviting them to join, you can repeat the process of inviting them - this will not harm the software.

  • To remove existing users, follow these steps
  • 1. Enter the Pro-partner portal
    2. Click the “Manage Users” button at the top of the page
  • 3. Click on the name of the user you wish to remove
  • 4. Scroll down to the bottom of their profile and click on "Remove user"